Blandine Vieillot
After obtaining BTS Design d’Espace diploma at ENSAAMA, Blandine Vieillot entered ENSATT, in the scenography option. During her studies, she worked with Christian Schiaretti, Olivier Maurin, Kristian Von Treskow and Adolf Shapiro, Richard Brunel, Christophe Galland, Antoine Caubet, and Serge Tranvouez. She designed and made the sets for several shows : Les Visionnaires, directed by Christian Schiaretti, Looking for Alceste, directed by Nicolas Bonneau, Louisa Miller and Petite Louve Bleue, adapted and directed by Anne-Laure Lemaire, Joe Egg, directed by Bruno Lajara, Samedi la révolution, directed by Rachid Akbal, On ne badine pas avec l’amour, directed by Camille Geoffroy, Parasites, directed by Illia Delaigle (CDE Colmar), Nunzio and Vive Henri IV or la Galigai, directed by Thierry Lutz, among others.
She became part of Dramaticules in 2012. She was Scenographer on Richard III, by William Shakespeare (2012/13), Affreux, bêtes et pédants (2013/14), L’Ubu roi des Dramaticules (2014/15), Don Quichotte (2015/16), Hamlet (2018/19) and Pinocchio (2020/21).